Monday, October 29, 2012

My American Revival Plan

The United States as a country is in deep trouble. We are in a hole and only getting deeper in it all the time. We need a new direction in this country and I think I have it. Let's introduce a bill that requires that 95% of all products sold in The United States has to be made in America. That would bring jobs back and we could use all the new money that would be infused into the economy to pay off the debt, build tangible high speed rail, improve education and healthcare, and many, many other things. The way this plan would work is all companies with 95% of all their products manufactured in America would get a tax cut down to 7%. The companies who don't manufacture here would stay at the same rate they have now until one year after they have moved 95% of their manufacturing back to America. That would reward loyalty and punish what is basically turning your back on the U.S. This is what this country wants and needs.